• Introduction To Python Language

    Introduction To Python Language

    Table Of Content (1) What Is Python? (2) History Of Python. (3) Key Features Of Python. (4) Advantages Over Other Programming Language. (5) Python Community. (1) What Is Python? Python is a Programming Language, that is mostly used for a wide variety of Software Development tasks. Python is a General-Purpose programming language i.e we can use it for building software in a wide variety of application domains, across a multitude of hardware configurations and operating systems. Python is a High-Level programming language i.e it is the language that is easier to read and understand even if a 10th-class student can

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  • Python Syllabus

    Python Syllabus

    Python Syllabus Python Introduction: (1) Introduction To Python Language (2) Applications Of Python (3) Download & Install Python (4) Python Modes Of Programming Basic Concepts: (1) Python Identifiers (2) Python Keywords (3) Python Lines (4) Python Indentation (5) Python Comments Python Tools: (1) Python Variables (2) Python Data Types (3) Python Operators Python Control Flow Statements: (1) Python Conditional Statements (2) Python Looping Statements (3) Python Loop Control Statements Python Data Structure: (1) Python Numbers (2) Python Strings (3) Python Lists (4) Python Tuples (5) Python Sets (6) Python Dictionary Python Functions: (1) Python User Defined Functions (2) Python Built-In

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