• How To Print Summary Of Your Data Frame?

    How To Print Summary Of Your Data Frame?

    How To Print Summary Of Your Data Frame? Table Of Contents: Syntax To Print Summary Of Data Frame. Examples Of Printing Summary. (1) Syntax: DataFrame.info(verbose=None, buf=None, max_cols=None, memory_usage=None, show_counts=None) Description: This method prints information about a DataFrame including the index dtype and columns, non-null values and memory usage.. Parameters: verbose: bool, optional – Whether to print the full summary. buf: writable buffer, defaults to sys.stdout – Where to send the output. By default, the output is printed to sys.stdout. memory_usage: bool, str, optional – Specifies whether total memory usage of the DataFrame elements (including the index) should be displayed. show_counts:

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  • How To Get The DataTypes Of Columns Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The DataTypes Of Columns Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The Data Types Of Columns Of A DataFrame? Table Of Contents: Syntax To Get The Data Types. Examples Of Getting Data Types. (1) Syntax pandas.DataFrame.dtypes pandas.DataFrame.dtypes.values Description: Return the dtypes of each columns of a DataFrame. (2) Examples Example-1 import pandas as pd student = {‘Name’:[‘Subrat’,’Abhispa’,’Arpita’,’Anuradha’,’Namita’], ‘Roll_No’:[100,101,102,103,104], ‘Subject’:[‘Math’,’English’,’Science’,’History’,’Commerce’], ‘Mark’:[95,88,76,73,93]} student_object = pd.DataFrame(student) student_object Output: student_object.dtypes Output: Name object Roll_No int64 Subject object Mark int64 dtype: object student_object.dtypes.values Output: array([dtype(‘O’), dtype(‘int64’), dtype(‘O’), dtype(‘int64’)], dtype=object) Example-2 import pandas as pd path = "E:BlogsPandasDocumentsMall_Customers.csv" customer_details = pd.read_csv(path) customer_details Output: customer_details.dtypes Output: CustomerID int64 Genre object Age int64 Annual_Income_(k$) int64 Spending_Score

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  • How To Get The Columns Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The Columns Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The Columns Of A DataFrame? Table Of Contents: Syntax To Get The Column Names. Examples Of Fetching Column Names. (1) Syntax pandas.DataFrame.columns pandas.DataFrame.columns.values Description: It will fetch you the column names of the DataFrame. (2) Examples Of Columns : Example-1 import pandas as pd student = {‘Name’:[‘Subrat’,’Abhispa’,’Arpita’,’Anuradha’,’Namita’], ‘Roll_No’:[100,101,102,103,104], ‘Subject’:[‘Math’,’English’,’Science’,’History’,’Commerce’], ‘Mark’:[95,88,76,73,93]} student_object = pd.DataFrame(student) student_object Output: student_object.columns Output: Index([‘Name’, ‘Roll_No’, ‘Subject’, ‘Mark’], dtype=’object’) Note: Here you can see that, columns will give you,  Index of Column names. Getting All The Column Values. student_object.column.values Output: array([‘Name’, ‘Roll_No’, ‘Subject’, ‘Mark’], dtype=object) Note: Here you can see that, columns.values  will give

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  • How To Get The Index Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The Index Of A DataFrame?

    How To Get The Index Of A DataFrame? Table Of Contents: Syntax Of Index Of DataFrame. Examples To Get The Index. (1) Syntax: pandas.DataFrame.index pandas.DataFrame.index.values Description: It will get you the index (row labels) of the DataFrame. (2) Examples Of Index : Example-1 import pandas as pd student = {‘Name’:[‘Subrat’,’Abhispa’,’Arpita’,’Anuradha’,’Namita’], ‘Roll_No’:[100,101,102,103,104], ‘Subject’:[‘Math’,’English’,’Science’,’History’,’Commerce’], ‘Mark’:[95,88,76,73,93]} student_object = pd.DataFrame(student) student_object Output: student_object.index Output: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=5, step=1) Note: Here you can see that, index starts from ‘0’ and stops at ‘5’, and the number of steps it increase is by ‘1’. Getting All The Index Values. student_object.index.values Output: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int64)

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