• GIT – How To Add Files To Stagging Area?

    GIT – How To Add Files To Stagging Area?

    How To Add Files To Stagging Area? Table Of Contents: What Is A Staging Area? Adding Files To Staging Area? Examples Of Adding Files. (1) What Is A Staging Area ? A stage is something where people come for an audition, or performance being judged by the judges and gets selected. Likewise in ‘GIT’ , a staging area is something where you put your files for GIT to track, and you review what are the changes you have done. After you finalize the files, then you can commit them to the ‘git’ repository. (2) Adding Files To The Staging Area.

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  • GIT – Adding Files To Project.

    GIT – Adding Files To Project.

    Adding Files To Project Table Of Contents: Adding Files To Project. Checking The Status Of The Repository. (1) Add Files To Your Project: After you initialize your GIT repository, it’s time to add files to your project folder. Whatever files, folders, or images you add to your project, GIT will be able to track it. (2) Checking Status Of The Repository To check the status of the GIT repository run the below command. git status Note: Here you can see, It is showing ‘Untracked Files’. That means these files are still in your local folder. To be able to track

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  • GIT – How To Create A GIT Repository ?

    GIT – How To Create A GIT Repository ?

    How To Create A GIT Repository ? Table Of Contents: Create Your New Project Folder. Initializing The Project Folder With GIT. (1) Creating A New Project Folder Create your project directory where you want to keep all of your project files. (2) Initialize The Folder With GIT You need to initialize your new folder with GIT, so that it will track the history of the files. Go inside the project folder and run the below command. Step-1: Go Inside The Project Folder Step-2: Right Click Inside The Folder and Select GIT Bash Here Step-3: GIT Command Prompt Will Open Step-4:

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  • GIT – What Is A GIT Repository ?

    GIT – What Is A GIT Repository ?

    What Is A GIT Repository ? What Is A GIT Repository? A Git repository is the .git/ folder inside a project.  This repository tracks all changes made to files in your project, building history over time.  Meaning, if you delete the .git/ folder, then you delete your project’s history.

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