• GIT – How To Commit Your Changes ?

    GIT – How To Commit Your Changes ?

    How To Commit Your Changes Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Commit? How To Commit Your Changes. Examples Of Committing Your Changes. (1) What Is GIT Commit ? When you are confirmed that whatever the changes you made are correct, it’s time for you to commit the changes to the ‘git’ repository. GIT Commit will ensure that, whatever changes you have made to the file system, will be persisted by the GIT. If you did some mistake in future, you can always roll back to the previous commits. (2) How To Commit Your Changes ? Method-1 git commit Note: A

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  • GIT – How To Check Status Of Your Files?

    GIT – How To Check Status Of Your Files?

    How To Check Status Of Your Files? Table Of Contents: What Is The Status Of A File? How To Check The Status Of Files? Examples Of  Checking Status. (1) What Is The Status Of A File? By knowing the status of a file we can see, which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git.  It will just show you, in which state the files are. (2) How To Check Status Of Files? To check the status of the file run the below command. git status (3) Examples Of Checking Status Example-1: Initial State

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