• GIT – How To Ignore Files From Repository?

    GIT – How To Ignore Files From Repository?

    How To Ignore Files From Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Ignore? How To Ignore Files In GIT. Examples Of GIT Ignore. (1) What Is GIT Ignore ? Sometimes you don’t want some of the files to be tracked by the GIT. These files you generated may be for demo or testing purposes only. These files may only for your reference purpose only. Then you can ignore those files so that they won’t be tracked by the GIT. (2) How To Ignore Files In GIT ? ‘.gitignore’ file is used to ignore files from your repository. You need to

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  • GIT – How To Clone A Repository ?

    GIT – How To Clone A Repository ?

    How To Clone A Repository ? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Cloning? How To Clone A Repository? (1) What Is GIT Cloning ? GIT cloning is the method of making a copy of a target repository.  This target repository can be a remote or a local one. When you are new to an existing project, the first step is to clone the project repository, so that you can work in your local system. (2) How To Clone A Repository ? Use the below command to clone an entire repository. git clone <repository URL> Example-1: If You Are Using BitBucket

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  • GIT – How To Check The Previous Commits ?

    GIT – How To Check The Previous Commits ?

    How To Check The Previous Commits ? Table Of Contents: How To Check The Previous Commits? How To Count The Number Of Commits? (1) How To Check The Previous Commits? To check the previous commits you have done, use the below command. git log – raw Note: Here you can see the number of commits you have done and the files that you have committed. (2) How To Count The Number Of Commits? To count the commits for the branch you are on: git rev-list – count HEAD To count the commits for the particular branch git rev-list – count

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