• GIT – How To Push Code To A Repository?

    GIT – How To Push Code To A Repository?

    How To Push Code To A Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Push? Examples Of GIT Push? (1) What Is GIT Push ? The git push the command is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.  Push will upload your changes from the local repo to the remote repository. (2) Examples Of GIT Push ? Syntax: git push <Remote URL> Example-1: Using URL git push https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git Example-2: Using origin git push origin Example-3: Pushing Specific Branch git push origin branch1

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  • GIT – How To Pull Code From Repository ?

    GIT – How To Pull Code From Repository ?

    How To Pull Code From A Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Pull? Examples Of GIT Pull. (1) What Is GIT Pull ? The “git pull” the command is used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content.  “git pull” is the combination of two commands “git fetch” and “git merge”. git fetch which downloads content from the specified remote repository. git merge is executed to merge the remote content refs and heads into a new local merge commit.  (2) Examples Of GIT Pull ? Syntax: git pull <Remote URL> Example-1:

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