• Python Comments

    Python Comments

    Python Comments Table Of Contents What Is Python Comment? Single Line Comments. Multiple Line Comments. (1) What Is Python Comments? Comments are descriptions that a programmer writes for a better understanding of the intent and functionality of the program. Using comments in programs makes our code more understandable. It makes the program more readable which helps us remember why certain blocks of code were written. Other than that, comments can also be used to ignore some code while testing other blocks of code. This offers a simple way to prevent the execution of some lines or write a quick pseudo-code

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  • Python Indentation

    Python Indentation

    Python Indentation Table Of Contents What Is Indentation? Examples Of Python Indentation. Rules Of Indentation. Bad Indentation Examples. (1) What Is Indentation? Most programming languages like C, C++, and Java use braces { } to define a block of code. Python, however, uses indentation. In simple terms indentation refers to adding white space before a statement. Without indentation, Python does not know which statement to execute next or which statement belongs to which block. This will lead to IndentationError. Indentation in other languages like C, C++, Java, etc., is just for readability, but in Python, the indentation is an essential

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  • Python Lines

    Python Lines

    Python Lines Table Of Contents: What Are Python Lines ? Joining Multiple Lines To Form A Single Logic. Multiple Statements On A Single Line. (1) What Are Python Lines? A Python program is divided into a number of logical lines and every logical line is terminated by the token NEWLINE. A logical line is a collection of statements, that comes under a single logic implementation. Python interpreter searches for the ‘Newline’ token to find out where logic ends. Split a Logical line into multiple physical lines using Semicolon (;) and Join multiple physical lines into one logical line using ().

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  • Python Keywords

    Python Keywords

    Python Keywords What Is Python Keywords? As we have used names to identify and call the variables, the Python language also gives names to its different functionalities. These names are reserved for Python language and we call them Python keywords. We can not use these keywords as variable names, function names, or any other identifiers. There are a total of 33 keywords present in the Python 3.7 package. Keyword List In Python? We will discuss in details , about all these keywords in other blogs.

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  • Python Identifiers

    Python Identifiers

    Python Identifiers Table Of Contents What Are Python Identifiers? Rules For Writing Identifiers. Valid Identifiers Example. Invalid Identifiers Example. What Are Python Identifiers ? We need a name and address to identify someone present in this world. Likewise in python, we need a name to identify a class, functions, and variables present inside computer memory. By giving a name to an entity, it will be easier for us to call and use them when needed. Rules For Writing Python Identifier The identifier is a combination of character digits and underscore and the character includes letters in lowercase (a-z), letters in

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  • Python Modes Of Programming

    Python Modes Of Programming

    Python Modes Of Programming You can run your Python code in two different ways. Interactive Mode Script Mode (1) Interactive Mode Of Writing The Interactive mode of writing provides us with a quick way of running blocks or a single line of Python code. Interactive mode is handy when you just want to execute basic Python commands or you are new to Python programming. Tools Used For Interactive Mode Jupyter Notebook Python IDLE Jupyter Notebook Python IDLE Advantages: Helpful when your script is extremely short and you want immediate results. Good for beginners who need to understand Python basics. Disadvantages:

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  • Download & Install Python

    Download & Install Python

    Steps To Install Python Step-1: Open The Anaconda Website https://www.anaconda.com/ Step-2: Select Your Operating System and Click On Download Step-3: Install The Executable File Step-4: Click On Next Step-5: Select On Agree Step-6: Select Just Me Option Step-7: Select Destination Folder & Click On Next Step-8: Select Second Box and Click On Install Step-9: Search For Jupyter Notebook & Select It Step-10: Jupyter Notebook Will Open In A Web Browser Step-11: Click On New Step-12: Select Python3 Option Step-13: One New Notebook Will Open In A New Tab Step-14: Rename The File By Clicking Untitled1 Step-15: Give A New Name

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  • Applications Of Python

    Applications Of Python

    Applications Of Python (1) Data Science and Data Visualization. (2) Desktop GUI (Graphical User Interface) (3) Scientific and Numeric Applications (4) Games and 3D Graphics (5) Web and Internet Development (IoT – Internet of Things) (6) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (7) Network Programming (8) Learning/Education Applications (9) Python for DevOps / System administration / Writing automation scripts (10) CAD (Computer-Aided Designing) Applications (11) Audio and Video Applications (12) Software Testing / Writing automated tests (13) Embedded Applications (14) Enterprise Applications (Such as e-commerce, ERP, and many more.)

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  • Introduction To Python Language

    Introduction To Python Language

    Table Of Content (1) What Is Python? (2) History Of Python. (3) Key Features Of Python. (4) Advantages Over Other Programming Language. (5) Python Community. (1) What Is Python? Python is a Programming Language, that is mostly used for a wide variety of Software Development tasks. Python is a General-Purpose programming language i.e we can use it for building software in a wide variety of application domains, across a multitude of hardware configurations and operating systems. Python is a High-Level programming language i.e it is the language that is easier to read and understand even if a 10th-class student can

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  • Python Syllabus

    Python Syllabus

    Python Syllabus Python Introduction: (1) Introduction To Python Language (2) Applications Of Python (3) Download & Install Python (4) Python Modes Of Programming Basic Concepts: (1) Python Identifiers (2) Python Keywords (3) Python Lines (4) Python Indentation (5) Python Comments Python Tools: (1) Python Variables (2) Python Data Types (3) Python Operators Python Control Flow Statements: (1) Python Conditional Statements (2) Python Looping Statements (3) Python Loop Control Statements Python Data Structure: (1) Python Numbers (2) Python Strings (3) Python Lists (4) Python Tuples (5) Python Sets (6) Python Dictionary Python Functions: (1) Python User Defined Functions (2) Python Built-In

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