• Under Fitting Vs Over Fitting

    Under Fitting Vs Over Fitting

    Underfitting vs Overfitting Table Of Contents: What is Generalization What is Underfitting What is Overfitting How To Detect Underfitting How To Avoid Underfitting How To Detect Overfitting How To Prevent Overfitting Model Prone To Underfitting (1) What Is Generalization? In supervised learning, the main goal is to use training data to build a model that will be able to make accurate predictions based on new, unseen data, which has the same characteristics as the initial training set. This is known as generalization. Generalization relates to how effectively the concepts learned by a machine learning model apply to particular examples that were

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  • Assumptions In Linear Regression.

    Assumptions In Linear Regression.

    Assumptions In Linear Regression Table Of Contents: What Is A Parametric Model? Assumptions In Linear Regression. (1) What Is A Parametric Model? Regression is a parametric approach. ‘Parametric’ means it makes assumptions about data for the purpose of analysis.  Due to its parametric side, regression is restrictive in nature. It fails to deliver good results with data sets that don’t fulfill its assumptions. Therefore, for a successful regression analysis, it’s essential to validate these assumptions. (2) Assumptions Of Linear Regression Model. Linear Relationship Between Input and Output. No Multicollinearity – No Linear Relationship Between Individual Variables. No Autocorrelation Of Error Terms.

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  • GIT – How To Push Code To A Repository?

    GIT – How To Push Code To A Repository?

    How To Push Code To A Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Push? Examples Of GIT Push? (1) What Is GIT Push ? The git push the command is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.  Push will upload your changes from the local repo to the remote repository. (2) Examples Of GIT Push ? Syntax: git push <Remote URL> Example-1: Using URL git push https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git Example-2: Using origin git push origin Example-3: Pushing Specific Branch git push origin branch1

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  • GIT – How To Pull Code From Repository ?

    GIT – How To Pull Code From Repository ?

    How To Pull Code From A Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Pull? Examples Of GIT Pull. (1) What Is GIT Pull ? The “git pull” the command is used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content.  “git pull” is the combination of two commands “git fetch” and “git merge”. git fetch which downloads content from the specified remote repository. git merge is executed to merge the remote content refs and heads into a new local merge commit.  (2) Examples Of GIT Pull ? Syntax: git pull <Remote URL> Example-1:

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  • GIT – How To Fetch Code From Remote ?

    GIT – How To Fetch Code From Remote ?

    How To Fetch Code From Remote? Table Of Contents: What Is Git Fetch? Examples Of Git Fetch? Difference Between Fetching and Pulling? (1) What Is GIT Fetch? You can use git fetch to know the changes done in the remote repo/branch since your last pull. This is useful to allow for checking before doing an actual pull, which could change files in your current branch and working copy (and potentially lose your changes, etc). (2) Examples Of GIT Fetch? Example-1: Fetching Remote Repository git fetch <repository Url> git fetch https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git It will download all the changes and keep them in a separate

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  • GIT – What Is GIT Remote ?

    GIT – What Is GIT Remote ?

    What Is GIT Remote? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Remote? How To Check Your Remote Repository Details ? (1) What Is GIT Remote ? ‘Remote’ is the keyword used for to check the remote repository configuration. A remote repository is stored on code hosting services like an internal server, GitHub, Subversion, Bitbucket and more.  (2) How To Check Your Remote Repository Details ? Syntax: git remote Output: origin The default name for the remote repository is the ‘origin’. Syntax: git remote -v Output: origin https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(fetch) origin https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(push) The above output is providing available remote connections. If a repository contains

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  • GIT – What Is GIT Origin Master ?

    GIT – What Is GIT Origin Master ?

    What Is GIT Origin Master? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Origin ? What Is GIT Master ? How To Use GIT Origin Master? (1) What Is GIT Origin ? The term ‘origin’ refers to the remote location repository. You will have your local repository in your working system and a remote repository in the server. To avoid confusion on which repository you are sending commands ‘origin’ helps us to resolve that. (2) What Is GIT Master ? ‘Master’ refers to the default branch of your repository. When you create a repository the ‘master’ branch will come with it. In

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  • GIT – What Is GIT Head ?

    GIT – What Is GIT Head ?

    What Is GIT Head? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Head? How To Use GIT Head? (1) What Is GIT Head? The ‘HEAD’ will tell you the last commit in the current checkout branch. The ‘HEAD’ can be understood as the “current branch.” When you switch branches with ‘checkout,’ the ‘HEAD’ is transferred to the new branch. (2) How To Use GIT Head? Use the below command to check the ‘GIT HEAD’. git show HEAD Note: It will show you the last committed ID on the checkout branch. You can verify that by seeing the logs. git log – raw

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  • GIT – What Is GIT Fork ?

    GIT – What Is GIT Fork ?

    What Is GIT Fork? Table Of Contents: What Is Forking In GIT? How To Fork In GIT? (1) What Is Forking In GIT? Forking a repository means, copying the repository on the server side only. While cloning a repository means, copying it into the local system. Most commonly, forks are used to propose changes to someone else’s project or use someone else’s project as a starting point for your own idea. (2) How To Fork In GIT? There is no explicit Git command is used to fork a repository. If you have a Git repository on your personal computer, you

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  • GIT – How To Ignore Files From Repository?

    GIT – How To Ignore Files From Repository?

    How To Ignore Files From Repository? Table Of Contents: What Is GIT Ignore? How To Ignore Files In GIT. Examples Of GIT Ignore. (1) What Is GIT Ignore ? Sometimes you don’t want some of the files to be tracked by the GIT. These files you generated may be for demo or testing purposes only. These files may only for your reference purpose only. Then you can ignore those files so that they won’t be tracked by the GIT. (2) How To Ignore Files In GIT ? ‘.gitignore’ file is used to ignore files from your repository. You need to

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