• Python Comprehensions

    Python Comprehensions

    Python Comprehensions Table Of Contents: What Is Comprehension? List Comprehensions Dictionary Comprehensions Set Comprehensions Generator Comprehensions (1) What Is Comprehension? Comprehension is the process of reducing the code length and being able to write it in a single statement. Using comprehension you can use filtering, mapping, and apply conditional logic to the members of a sequence (such as lists, set, dictionary etc.) in a single line. Comprehension allows us to filter the elements of the sequence and apply some conditional logic to an existing sequence, and it will return a new sequence. Without Comprehensions: numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] even_numbers = []

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  • Python Abstraction

    Python Abstraction

    Python Abstraction Table Of Contents: What Is Abstraction? Need Of Abstraction? Implementing Abstraction In Python. Abstract Base Class. Abstract Class. Abstract Method. Concrete Methods In Abstract Base Class. Abstract Class Instantiation. (1) What Is Abstraction? Abstraction helps us to hide the internal implementation of the function from the users. Hence the user can use that function without knowing the internal implementation. User is familiar with that “what function does” but they don’t know “how it does.” (2) Need Of Abstraction? Abstraction provides a programmer to hide all the irrelevant data/processes of an application in order to reduce complexity and increase

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  • Python Encapsulation

    Python Encapsulation

    Python Encapsulation Table Of Contents: What Is Encapsulation? Why We Need Encapsulation? How To Implement Encapsulation? Access Modifiers In Python. Public Members. Private Members. Protected Members. (1) What Is Encapsulation? When you take lunch to school, you generally put it inside the lunch box to protect it from the outside environment. Like this in the programming world, to protect your sensitive information you need encapsulation. Encapsulation allows us to protect our properties and methods of the class from the other classes, which you have not written by yourself. When another method of the class is trying to access your members,

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  • Python Polymorphism

    Python Polymorphism

    Python Polymorphism Table Of Contents: What Is Polymorphism? Examples Of Polymorphism. Polymorphism With Class Methods. Polymorphism With Inheritance. Method Overloading. Method Overriding. (1) What Is Polymorphism? Polymorphism is a technique, by using which you can make a particular object to be used in different ways. For example, you can use your car for personal transport or as a passenger car. You can use your mobile phone for voice calls or watch videos on it. As these single objects can be used in multiple ways, this is called Polymorphism (2) Examples Of Polymorphism? Example-1:Polymorphism In Addition Operator. + Operator is mostly

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  • Python Inheritance

    Python Inheritance

    Python Inheritance Table Of Contents: What Is Inheritance? Advantages Of Inheritance? Implementing Inheritance. Adding The __init__() Method In Child Class. Use Of super() Method. Adding Properties To Child Class. Adding Methods To Child Class. (1) What Is Inheritance? Inheritance enables one class to use all the properties and methods from another class, without writing any extra code in the child class. The class from which you are deriving properties and behaviours is called Base Class. The class which is using the properties and behaviours of another class is called Child Class. This is how you inherit all the properties from

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  • Python Objects

    Python Objects

    Python Objects Table Of Contents: What Is A Python Object? How To Create Python Objects? Accessing Class Members Using Python Object. Deleting Attributes & Objects. (1) What Is A Python Object? A Python object is a combination of data and methods, these methods are used to do some operations on data. As in real life, everything is seen as an object like a table, fan, mouse, keyboard, computer etc. So, Python is an Object Oriented Programming language, where everything is considered an object. A class is a blueprint of an object, for example, we can create a blueprint or sketch

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  • Python Class

    Python Class

    Python Class Table Of Contents: What Is A Class? How To Declare A Class? The __init__() Method. The ‘self’ Keyword. What Is Inside A Class? (1) What Is A Class? A class is an empty structure, where you put all of your variables and methods inside it. These variables will not have any value, at the time of class creation. It will be just a placeholder, where you will assign some values in the later stage. A class is a blueprint of your application, that you design before actually implementing it. (2) How To Declare A Class? A class can

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  • Python OOPS Concepts

    Python OOPS Concepts

    Python OOPs Concepts Table Of Contents: What Is Object Oriented Programming? Need Of Object Oriented Programming. Procedural Vs Object Oriented Programming. Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming. Oops, Concepts. (1) What Is Object Oriented Programming. While writing any program it is better to follow some predefined structure. When you start writing any program you should have a program structure in your mind. Randomly you can’t put your code anywhere in the program. To solve this issue, Python provides an Object Oriented programming approach. (2) Need Of Object Oriented Programming. OOPs provides a clear modular structure for the program. OOPs makes it

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  • Python Regular Expressions

    Python Regular Expressions

  • Python Exception Handling

    Python Exception Handling

    Python Exception Handling Table Of Contents: What Is An Exception? Exception Handling Using Try And Except Block. Catching Specific Exception. Except Clause With Multiple Exceptions. Try With Else Block. Finally, Block In Exception Handling. Raise An Exception. Types Of Exceptions. (1) What Is An Exception? An exception is an unwanted event that occurred while your program was running. When your program depends upon external factors like user inputs, and outside resources like files, folders etc, that is out of your control. Sometimes users will enter random values, and sometimes file will not be present at the location where you are

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