CART, C4.5, ID3 Algorithms


  • CART (Classification and Regression Trees).
  • CART is a versatile algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression tasks.
  • It constructs binary decision trees, where each internal node represents a splitting criterion on a feature, and each leaf node represents a class label or a regression value.
  • The splitting criterion in CART is determined by optimizing a cost function, such as the Gini index for classification or the mean squared error for regression.
  • The algorithm recursively partitions the data based on the selected feature and splits, creating branches until a stopping condition is met.
  • For classification, the majority class label in a leaf node is assigned to instances falling into that region, while for regression, the average value of instances in a leaf node is assigned.
  • CART allows for pruning, where unnecessary branches are removed to reduce overfitting and improve generalization.


  • ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3).
  • ID3 is a decision tree algorithm primarily used for classification tasks.
  • It constructs multi-way (non-binary) decision trees, where each internal node represents a splitting criterion on a feature, and each leaf node represents a class label.
  • The splitting criterion in ID3 is based on the concept of information gain, which measures the reduction in entropy (or alternatively, the Gini index) achieved by a split.
  • The algorithm follows a top-down, greedy approach, where it selects the feature with the highest information gain at each node to create splits.
  • ID3 continues recursively until either all instances in a node belong to the same class, or there are no more features to split on.
  • ID3 does not handle missing values well and can create overfit trees that are sensitive to noisy or irrelevant features.


  • C4.5 algorithm is improved over the ID3 algorithm, whereC shows the algorithm is written in C and the 4.5 specific version of the algorithm.
  • splitting criterion used by C4.5 is the normalized information gain (difference in entropy).
  • The attribute with the highest normalized information gain is chosen to make the decision.
  • The C4.5 algorithm then recurses on the partitioned sub lists.

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