GINI Index In Decision Tree

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is the GINI Index?
  2. Interpreting GINI Index.
  3. Example Of GINI Index.
  4. What Is the GINI Coefficient?

(1) What Is GINI Index?

  • The Gini index, also known as the Gini impurity, is a measure used in decision tree algorithms to quantify the impurity or randomness of a set of examples within a particular node.
  • It is an alternative criterion, alongside entropy, for determining the best feature to split the data.
  • The Gini index is calculated based on the distribution of class labels within a node.
  • It measures the probability of incorrectly classifying a randomly chosen example within that node if it were labelled randomly according to the class distribution.
  • where,
    ‘pi’ is the probability of an object being classified to a particular class.

    While building the decision tree, we would prefer to choose the attribute/feature with the least Gini Index as the root node.

(2) Interpreting GINI Index.

  • The Gini index ranges from 0 to 1.
  • A Gini index of 0 indicates a pure node with all examples belonging to the same class,
  • while a Gini index of 1 indicates an impure node with an equal distribution of examples from different classes.
  • A value of 0.5 denotes the elements are uniformly distributed into some classes.
  • When building a decision tree, the algorithm aims to minimize the Gini index by selecting the feature that results in the greatest reduction in the Gini index after the split.
  • This reduction in the Gini index is often referred to as “Gini gain” or “Gini impurity reduction.”
  • The feature with the highest Gini gain is chosen as the splitting criterion for that node.

(3) Example Of GINI Index.

  • Certainly! Let’s continue with the email classification example and calculate the Gini index for the “Sender Domain” feature at the root node.

  • Suppose we have the following dataset:

  • We want to determine the Gini index for the “Sender Domain” feature at the root node.
  • Step 1: Calculate the Gini index of the parent node (before the split):

    Using the formula for Gini index, we calculate the Gini index of the parent node:

    Gini Index(parent) = 1 – ((0.4)^2 + (0.6)^2)
    = 1 – (0.16 + 0.36)
    = 1 – 0.52
    = 0.48

  • Step 2: Calculate the Gini index of the child nodes (after the split) for each possible outcome of the “Sender Domain” feature:

    a) When Sender Domain is “”:

    • Number of “Spam” emails: 1
    • Number of “Not Spam” emails: 2

    Total number of emails for Sender Domain “”: 3

    Proportion of “Spam” emails: 1/3 = 0.333
    Proportion of “Not Spam” emails: 2/3 = 0.667

    Gini Index( = 1 – ((0.333)^2 + (0.667)^2)
    = 1 – (0.111 + 0.445)
    = 1 – 0.556
    = 0.444

    b) When Sender Domain is “”:

    • Number of “Spam” emails: 1
    • Number of “Not Spam” emails: 0

    Total number of emails for Sender Domain “”: 1

    Proportion of “Spam” emails: 1/1 = 1.0
    Proportion of “Not Spam” emails: 0/1 = 0.0

    Gini Index( = 1 – ((1.0)^2 + (0.0)^2)
    = 1 – (1.0 + 0.0)
    = 1 – 1.0
    = 0.0

  • Step 3: Calculate the weighted average of the child node Gini indices:

    • Proportion of emails with Sender Domain “”: 3/5 = 0.6
    • Proportion of emails with Sender Domain “”: 2/5 = 0.4

    Weighted Average Gini Index = (0.6 * Gini Index( + (0.4 * Gini Index(
    = (0.6 * 0.444) + (0.4 * 0.0)
    = 0.2664

  • Step 4: Calculate the Gini gain:

    Gini Gain = Gini Index(parent) – Weighted Average Gini Index
    = 0.48 – 0.2664
    = 0.2136

    Therefore, the Gini gain for the “Sender Domain” feature at the root node is approximately 0.2136.

    A higher Gini gain indicates that splitting the data based on the “Sender Domain” feature will result in a greater reduction in the Gini index and better separation of the class labels.


(4) What Is GINI Coefficient ?

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