Bahdanau Attention Vs Luong Attention !

Bahdanau Attention !

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Attention Mechanism?
  2. What Is Bahdanau’s Attention?
  3. Architecture Of Bahdanau’s Attention?

(1) What Is Attention Mechanism?

  • An attention mechanism is a neural network component used in various deep learning models, particularly in the field of natural language processing (NLP) and sequence-to-sequence tasks.
  • It was introduced in the paper “Attention is All You Need” by Vaswani et al. in 2017.
  • The attention mechanism allows a model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input when generating an output, rather than treating the entire input sequence equally.
  • This is particularly useful when the input and output sequences have different lengths, such as in machine translation or text summarization.
  • The key idea behind the attention mechanism is to compute a weighted sum of the input sequence, where the weights are determined by the relevance of each input element to the current output being generated.
  • This allows the model to dynamically focus on the most important parts of the input, which can improve the model’s performance and interpretability.
  • The attention mechanism typically consists of the following steps:
  1. Compute a set of attention weights for each input element based on the current output and the input sequence.
  2. Apply the attention weights to the input sequence to obtain a weighted sum, which is then used as an additional input to the output generation process.

(2) What Is Bahdanau’s Attention?

  • Bahdanau’s attention is a specific type of attention mechanism, introduced in the paper “Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate” by Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Bengio in 2014.
  • Bahdanau’s attention mechanism is designed for encoder-decoder models, where the encoder encodes the input sequence into a fixed-length vector representation, and the decoder generates the output sequence one token at a time.
  • Let us consider the above Encoder & Decoder architecture.
  • Let’s apply the Bahdanau’s Attention mechanism in this model.

Mathematical Notation:

  • We denote hidden states of the Encoder layer as (hi).
  • In our example, we have four hidden states, [h0, h1, h2, h3, h4].
  • All of these are n-dimensional vectors.
  • We denote hidden states of the Decoder layer as (S0).
  • The Input State of the decoder layer is denoted as (Y0).
  • Our example has four hidden states, [So, S1, S2, S3, S4].
  • All of these are n-dimensional vectors.

Implementing Attention Mechanism:

  • In every time step of the Decoder layer, we must pass on which time steps of the encoder layer are useful.
  • At time step 2, we need [S1, Y1] as an input. Hence at every time step, we need two pieces of information.
  • But in the Attention Mechanism, we need to pass one more information, that is, which time step of the Encoder layer is important.
  • While printing “लाइटें” we need to tell our Decoder layer to focus on the time step 4 of the Encoder layer.
  • The third input which passes to the Decoder layer at every time step is called ‘Attention Input’.
  • We denote all the Attention Input as (Ci). In our example, we have 4 Attention Inputs, [C1, C2, C3, C4]
  • Hence at every time step of the Encoder layer, we need to give 3 inputs.
  • Inputs = [Yi-1, Si-1, Ci]
  • Where Yi-1 = Teacher Forcing Input.
  • Si-1 = Hidden State Input.
  • Ci = Attention Input.

Understanding Attention Input Ci:

What Is Ci ?

  • Ci can be a Vector, Scalar or it can be a Matrix. If it is a Vector what is its dimension etc?
  • While printing “लाइटें” we know that (h4) of the Encoder layer is important.
  • Our task is to find out which Hidden state of the Encoder layer is important for printing “लाइटें” 
  • After that, we can pass that Hidden state of the Encoder layer as the Attention Input to the Decoder Layer.
  • Now we understand that Ci is a vector because we are passing the Hidden State of the Encoder as Ci.
  • Now the question is what is the dimension of Ci?

What Is Dimension Of Ci ?

  • While printing “लाइटें” we need to tell our Decoder layer to focus on the time step 4 of the Encoder layer.
  • While printing “बंद” we need to tell our Decoder layer to focus on the time steps 1 & 2 of the Encoder layer.
  • From this, you can see that there is no fixed size of the “Ci” vector. 
  • At first case Ci  = [h4], but in second case Ci = [h1, h2].
  • To answer this the Dimension of “Ci” should be the same as the Dimension of the “hi” vector.
  • Now the question is what if we need to pass more hi to the Ci vector like in our second case?
  • To answer this what we will do is take the weighted sum of all the hidden state inputs of the Encoder layer.

How To Calculate Ci ?

  • If you are printing “लाइटें”  and you need to know which Hidden state of the Encoder layer is most useful [h0, h1, h2, h3, h4]?
  • The Attention Mechanism works by assigning weights to each hidden state of the Encoder layer.
  • Let’s denote these weights as (αi).
  • Alpha is called an Alignment Score.
  • Ci is the weighted sum of all the hidden state inputs of the Encoder.
  • The importance of the hidden state vector (hi) at any time step depends on the corresponding weights (αi)
  • The formula for Ci would be,

How To Calculate α ?:

  • Let us take the example of α21. And understand how to calculate it.
  • We call α as similarity score or alignment score.
  • First, we need to know on which factor the α depends.
  • As α is the similarity score it finds out the similarity between the “बंद” and “h1” vector which represents ‘turn’.
  • Hence α depends on the hidden state vector ‘hj’.  
  • α also depends on the previous hidden state of the Decoder layer which is denoted by Si vector.
  • Let’s understand why α depends on the Si vector.
  • In our example given “लाइट”, what is the importance of the hidden state vector “h1” which represents the “turn” word?
  • Hence α depends on the hidden state vector ‘hj’.  and Si.
  • This means α depends on “लाइट” and “turn” two words.
  • Now the question is what is this function ‘f’?
  • How to derive the function ‘f’?
  • One approach is to try out different mathematical functions and see the results of each function, if a function is giving better results use that.
  • But it will be super time-consuming.
  • What the researchers did is they found a smarter way.
  • We already have the power of Artificial Neural Network (ANN), which is called Universal Function Approximation.
  • If we provide enough data to the ANN we can use it to approximate any function.
  • ANN will adjust weights accordingly so that it will approximate any functions.
  • But we can’t see that function. It will be created inside the Architecture.
  • How this Neural Network will be trained?
  • The answer is that along with the training of the Encoder & Decoder layer the Neural Network will also get trained.

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