Jupyter Notebook Module Not Found Error.

Jupyter Notebook Module Not Found Error.

Table Of Contents:

  1. How To Solve Module Not Found Error In Jupyter Notebook?


Step-1: Install Missing Dependencies.

  • Use the below command to install missing dependencies.
!pip install numpy

Step-3: Check Under Which Folder Your Library Has Installed.

  • First, you need to know under which folder your installed library is present.
  • Run the below command to check for the library location.
!pip install textblob

Step-3: Check The Module Path

  • You need to check what the paths Jupyter Notebook is looking for to find the packages and libraries.
import sys
  • If your installed library path is not available in the above list you need to add it in the sys path.
  • You can see that our installed library path is not available inside the sys.path, hence we need to add it.

Step-4: Add To The System Path.

  • You need to add your installed library path to the sys.path variable.
  • Use the below command to do this operation.

Step-5: Restart The Kernel

  • You need to restart the Kernel to affect these changes.

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