Self Attentions In Transformers.

Self Attention In Transformers

Table Of Contents:

  1. Motivation To Study Self Attention.

(1) Motivation To Study Self Attention.

  • In 2024 we all know that there is a technology called ‘GenAI’ has penetrated into the market.
  • With this technology we can create different new images, videos, texts from scratch automatically.
  • The center of ‘GenAI’ technology is the ‘Transformers’.
  • And the center of the Transformer is the ‘Self Attention’.
  • Hence we need to understand ‘Self Attention’ better to understand others.

(2) Problem With Word Embedding.

  • The problem with the word embedding is that it doesn’t capture the contextual meaning of the word.
  • In the above example, we can see that the meaning of ‘Bank’ is different in different sentences.
  • But if we are using a word embedding technique the vector representation [0.6, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7] is the same for the word ‘Bank’, which is wrong.
  • Hence we need to come up with a new technique that will capture the contextual meaning of the word.

(3) What Is Contextual Word Embedding ?

  • Based on the words before and after we need to derive the meaning of the word.
  • In the above example ‘River Bank’, the meaning of the word ‘Bank’ will be derived by using its previous and after words, in this case using the word ‘River’.
  • In case of ‘Money Bank’ , meaning of Bank will be derived from the word ‘Money’.

(4) How Does Self Attention Works?

  • Step-1: The first step is to calculate the static word embedding of the words by using the “Word2Vec” or “glove” technique.
  • Step-2: The second step is to pass the static embeddings into an “Self Attention” model.
  • Step-3: Finally get the Dynamic Contextual Embedding of the words.

(5) Let Us Create The Self Attention

  • In the above example, we can see that the word ‘Bank’ is being used in different contexts.
  • Unfortunately, if we use word embedding the meaning of ‘Bank’ will be the same in both of the sentences.
  • We need to change the meaning of ‘Bank’ based on the context around the world.
  • If I write the Bank embedding as the weighted sum of the words around it, I can capture the context meaning of the word ‘Bank’.
  • Because I am taking account of all the surrounding words of the ‘Bank’.
  • The numbers [0.2, 0.7, 0.1] represent word similarity.
  • ‘Bank’ is 0.2 per cent similar to the word ‘Money’.
  • We can also write the ‘Bank’ equation for the second sentence as above.


  • Automatically the meaning of ‘Bank’ will come as different in both of the sentences.
  • It also depends on the context of words.


  • Let us write each word as the combination of its context words. 
  • If you focus on the word ‘Bank’ the LHS part is the same but the RHS is different now.
  • The computer can’t understand the words hence we need to convert each word in the sentence to a vector format.
  • All these numbers on the RHS side represent the similarity between the words.
  • So the next question will be how to calculate the similarity between words.

How To Calculate Similarity Between Words?

  • The best way to calculate the similarity between words is to calculate the dot product between two vectors.
  • First, represent the words in vector format and determine the dot product between the two.
  • The dot product of two vectors will be a scalar quantity.
  • The dot product of the ‘B’ & ‘C’ vector is 26 and ‘A’ and ‘C’ is 11.
  • Hence vectors ‘B’ and ‘C’ are more similar compared to ‘A’ and ‘C’.
  • Hence the numbers in the equation represent the similarity between words.
  • We can also write the equation for the new embedding as below.

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