Sigmoid Activation Functions

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Sigmoid Activation Function?
  2. Formula & Diagram For Sigmoid Activation Function.
  3. Where To Use Sigmoid Activation Function?
  4. Advantages & Disadvantages Of Sigmoid Activation Function.

(1) What Is Sigmoid Activation Function?

  • Maps the input to a value between 0 and 1.
  • S-shaped curve.
  • Used in the output layer of binary classification problems, where the output represents the probability of belonging to a class.

(2) Formula & Diagram Sigmoid Activation Function?



(3) Where To Use Sigmoid Activation Function?

  • Binary Classification: Sigmoid activations are often used in the output layer of neural networks for binary classification problems. The output of the sigmoid function can be interpreted as the probability of belonging to the positive class. By setting a threshold (e.g., 0.5), the network can make a binary decision based on the output value.

  • Multi-label Classification: Sigmoid activations can also be used in multi-label classification tasks where each input can belong to multiple classes simultaneously. In this case, each output neuron corresponds to a class, and the sigmoid function maps the output to a probability between 0 and 1 for each class independently.

  • Logistic Regression: Sigmoid activations are a natural choice for logistic regression models, where the goal is to estimate the probability of a binary outcome. In logistic regression, the sigmoid function is typically used as the link function to map the linear regression output to a probability.

  • Probability Estimation: Sigmoid activations can be used to estimate probabilities or probabilities-like values in various contexts. For example, in recommender systems, sigmoid activations can be used to model the likelihood of a user liking an item based on their preferences and item features.

  • Transfer Learning: Sigmoid activations can be useful in transfer learning scenarios, where a pre-trained model with sigmoid activations in the output layer is used as a feature extractor. The sigmoid activations provide a convenient probability representation for the pre-trained model’s outputs, which can then be used as input to another model for transfer learning tasks.

(4) Advantage & Disadvantages Of Sigmoid Activation Function?


  • Output Range and Interpretability: The sigmoid function maps the input to a range between 0 and 1. This output range is suitable for binary classification tasks, where the output can be interpreted as the probability of belonging to a particular class. The output can also be easily thresholded to make binary decisions.

  • Smooth and Continuous Non-Linearity: The sigmoid function provides a smooth and continuous non-linear transformation of the input. This property enables gradient-based optimization algorithms, like backpropagation, to efficiently update the network’s weights during training.

  • Differentiability: The sigmoid function is differentiable everywhere, which is essential for applying gradient-based optimization algorithms. The availability of derivatives allows efficient computation of gradients during backpropagation, enabling the network to learn from training data.


  • Vanishing Gradient Problem: The sigmoid function saturates at extreme values, meaning that the derivative becomes very close to zero for inputs far from zero. This property leads to the vanishing gradient problem, where gradients can become extremely small during backpropagation. The vanishing gradient problem hampers the training of deep neural networks, as the gradients may diminish significantly in early layers, making it difficult for them to learn meaningful representations.

  • Asymmetry and Bias: The sigmoid function is asymmetric, with most of its output values concentrated near the extremes (0 and 1). The asymmetry can introduce biases in the network’s predictions, especially if the data distribution is imbalanced or requires a balanced representation.

  • Output Saturation: The sigmoid function saturates in the extreme regions, causing the output to be close to 0 or 1. In these saturated regions, the gradients become very small, resulting in slow learning or a complete halt in weight updates. This saturation issue can be problematic when the network needs to make fine-grained distinctions or when the data distribution has outliers.

  • Limited Output Sensitivity: The sigmoid function is less sensitive to changes around the extremes (0 and 1). This reduced sensitivity can be problematic when the network needs to make precise distinctions in these extreme regions, as small changes in inputs may not produce significant changes in the output.

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