GIT – How To Check Status Of Your Files?

How To Check Status Of Your Files?

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is The Status Of A File?
  2. How To Check The Status Of Files?
  3. Examples Of  Checking Status.

(1) What Is The Status Of A File?

  • By knowing the status of a file we can see, which changes have been staged, which haven’t, and which files aren’t being tracked by Git
  • It will just show you, in which state the files are.

(2) How To Check Status Of Files?

  • To check the status of the file run the below command.
git status

(3) Examples Of Checking Status

Example-1: Initial State

git status


  • At first, the files are untracked, which means ‘git’ is not tracking the files.
  • Any changes made to the files will not be tracked by ‘git’.
  • Untracked files will be in red colour.

Example-2: After Adding To Staging Area

git add .
git status


  • When you add the files to the staging area, any changes made to the file will be tracked by ‘git’.
  • Stagged files will be in green colour.

Example-3: After You Make Changes To File

git status


  • You can see that it is showing File1.txt is being modified.

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