GIT – How To Create A GIT Repository ?

How To Create A GIT Repository ?

Table Of Contents:

  1. Create Your New Project Folder.
  2. Initializing The Project Folder With GIT.

(1) Creating A New Project Folder

  • Create your project directory where you want to keep all of your project files.

(2) Initialize The Folder With GIT

  • You need to initialize your new folder with GIT, so that it will track the history of the files.
  • Go inside the project folder and run the below command.
Step-1: Go Inside The Project Folder
Step-2: Right Click Inside The Folder and Select GIT Bash Here
Step-3: GIT Command Prompt Will Open
Step-4: Enter Below Command and Press Enter
git init
Step-5: Go To View And Select Hidden Items To See The .git/ Folder

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