What Is GIT Remote?

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is GIT Remote?
  2. How To Check Your Remote Repository Details ?

(1) What Is GIT Remote ?

  • ‘Remote’ is the keyword used for to check the remote repository configuration.
  • A remote repository is stored on code hosting services like an internal server, GitHub, Subversion, Bitbucket and more. 

(2) How To Check Your Remote Repository Details ?


git remote


  • The default name for the remote repository is the ‘origin’.


git remote -v


origin https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(fetch)
origin https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(push)
  • The above output is providing available remote connections.
  • If a repository contains more than one remote connection, this command will list them all.

(3) How To Give A Short Name To Your Remote Repository?


git remote add <short name> <remote URL>  


git remote add HALO https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git
git remote -v


HALO https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(fetch)
HALO https://github.com/Subrat/Project.git(push)
  • Here you can see that the remote repository name has been changed.

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