GIT – What Is Version Control ?

What Is Version Control System?

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Version Control System?
  2. Benefits Of Version Control Systems

(1) What Is Version Control System?

  • Imagine you are working on your project assignment and every day you are adding up something to your project.
  • And you just realized that today you had done something wrong in your project and want to revert it back to the previous day’s work.
  • In this situation, if you have saved your previous day’s work then you can revert back to that.
  • So if you save everyday work in a separate file manually, it will be a big mesh.
  • To save us from this mess we have a “Version Control System”.
  • Version Control will help us in tracking the changes in each file and creating separate versions for each change. 

(2) Benefits Of Version Control System?

(1) Track The History Of Each File

  • This means every change made by many individuals over the years can be tracked easily.
  • Changes include the creation and deletion of files as well as edits to their contents.
  • This history should also include the author, date and written notes on the purpose of each change.
  • Having the complete history enables going back to previous versions to help in root cause analysis for bugs and it is crucial when needing to fix problems in older versions of software.

(2) Independently Working On Each Task

  • If you have many team members each member can work independently on their own task.
  • After they complete their task they can merge together into a single file.
  • The Version Control System provides a copy of the main file to each team member, where they can implement their changes.

(3) Traceability Of Your Code

  • Finding the bug in your software will be difficult if you don’t know from where it is coming.
  • Version Controlling will help you to go back to the previous working version and analyse the changes made recently due to which the bug is coming.

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