Numpy Syllabus

(2) Installing NumPy
(3) How to import NumPy ?
(4) How to create a basic numpy array ?
(5) Adding, removing, and sorting elements In A Numpy Array.
(6) How do you know the shape and size of an array ?
(7) How To Reshape a Numpy Array ?
(8) How to convert a 1D array into a 2D array ?
(9) How to create an array from existing data ?
(10) Basic array operations.
(11) Broadcasting an Numpy Array.
(12) More useful array operations.
(13) How To Create Metrices Using Numpy Array.
(14) How To Generate Random Numbers Using Numpy ?
(15) How to get unique items and counts of Numpy Array ?
(16) Transposing A Numpy Metrix.
(17) Reshaping A Numpy Metrix.
(18) How to reverse an Numpy array ?
(19) Reshaping and flattening multidimensional Numpy arrays.
(20) How to access the docstring for more information ?
(21) Working with mathematical formulas
(22) How to save and load NumPy objects ?
(23) Plotting arrays with Matplotlib

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