Pandas DataFrame Scatter Plot.

Pandas DataFrame Scatter Plot

Table Of Contents:

  1. Syntax ‘plot.scatter( )’ Method In Pandas.
  2. Examples ‘plot.scatter( )’ Method.

(1) Syntax:

DataFrame.plot.scatter(x, y, s=None, c=None, **kwargs)


  • Create a scatter plot with varying marker point size and color.

  • The coordinates of each point are defined by two dataframe columns and filled circles are used to represent each point.

  • This kind of plot is useful to see complex correlations between two variables. Points could be for instance natural 2D coordinates like longitude and latitude in a map or, in general, any pair of metrics that can be plotted against each other.


  • x: int or str –  The column name or column position to be used as horizontal coordinates for each point.
  • y: int or str – The column name or column position to be used as vertical coordinates for each point.
  • s: str, scalar or array-like, optional – 

    The size of each point. Possible values are:

    • A string with the name of the column to be used for marker’s size.

    • A single scalar so all points have the same size.

    • A sequence of scalars, which will be used for each point’s size recursively. For instance, when passing [2,14] all points size will be either 2 or 14, alternatively.

  • c: str, int or array-like, optional

    The color of each point. Possible values are:

    • A single color string referred to by name, RGB or RGBA code, for instance ‘red’ or ‘#a98d19’.

    • A sequence of color strings referred to by name, RGB or RGBA code, which will be used for each point’s color recursively. For instance [‘green’,’yellow’] all points will be filled in green or yellow, alternatively.

    • A column name or position whose values will be used to color the marker points according to a colormap.

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass on to DataFrame.plot().


(2) Examples Of plot.area() Method:


df = pd.DataFrame([[5.1, 3.5, 0], [4.9, 3.0, 0], [7.0, 3.2, 1],
                   [6.4, 3.2, 1], [5.9, 3.0, 2]],
                  columns=['length', 'width', 'species'])


ax1 = df.plot.scatter(x='length',



ax2 = df.plot.scatter(x='length',


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