Python Closures

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is A Closure Method In Python?
  2. How To Use Closure Method In Python?
  3. Where To Use Closure Method In Python?
  4. Examples Of Closure Method.

(1) What Is A Closure Method In Python?

  • As the name suggests, the method which is inside another method is called the closure method.
  • Because it is closed inside the parent method, hence the name closure method.
  • What the extra Python is providing here is that you can return the closure method from the parent method.
  • An important thing is that the closure method will be able to remember the parent class variables, which are non-local to the closure methods.

(2) How To Use Closure Method In Python?

  • Let us understand this by using an example.


def parent():
    x = 10
    y = 20
    def add():
        print('Addition:', x + y)
    return add
obj = parent()


Addition: 30


  • Here the add( ) method is the closure method because it is inside the parent( ) method.
  • The first point about the closure method is that we can return it from the parent method, which we have done in ‘return add’.
  • Here ‘obj’ variable is storing the closure method ‘add’.
  • We can use the ‘obj’, like a function to access the add( ) method.
  • The second thing about the closure method is that it will be able to remember the parent class variables, here it is ‘x’ and ‘y’.
  • Hence it is printing 10 +20 = 30.

(3) Where To Use Closure Method In Python?

  • When there are few methods (one method in most cases) to be implemented in a class, closures can provide an alternate and more elegant solution.
  • But when the number of attributes and methods gets larger, it’s better to implement a class.
  • Closures can avoid the use of global values and provides some form of data hiding.
  • It can also provide an object–oriented solution to the problem.


def Student(name,rollno,subject,mark):
    def details():
        print('Student Name:',name)
        print('Student Roll No:',rollno)
        print('Student Subject:',subject)
        print('Student Mark:',mark)
    return details
obj = Student('Abhispa',999,'Math',98)

obj = Student('Abhispa',999,'Math',98)



  • Here Student method is having the ‘details’ closure method, which is returned from the ‘Student’ method.
  • You can use the ‘obj’ to call the ‘details’ method.

(4) Example Of Closure Method In Python?


def operations(x,y,operation):
    def addition():
        print('Addition:',x + y)
    def substraction():
    def multiplication():
    def division():
    if operation == 'add':
        return addition
    if operation == 'substract':
        return substraction
    if operation == 'multiply':
        return multiplication
    if operation == 'divide':
        return division
operation1 = operations(3,4,'add')
operation2 = operations(3,4,'substract')
operation3 = operations(3,4,'multiply')
operation4 = operations(3,4,'divide')
Addition: 7
Substraction: -1
Multiplication: 12
Division: 0.75


  • Here ‘operation()’ is the parent method and the method insides are the closure methods.
  • You can call these closure methods to do specific operations.

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