Python Decorators

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Are Decorators In Python?
  2. Examples Of Decorators.
  3. Using Multiple Decorators.

(1) What Are Decorators In Python?

  • Decorators are just the usual methods used to add extra functionalities to an existing method.
  • Python provides us with a way to add some extra functionality to an existing method, by using ‘Decorators’.
  • Decorators actually don’t modify the codes inside the function, otherwise, it will cause serious security issues.
  • Instead, it extends the function by adding some extra lines to it.
  • Imagine a situation where you are using the methods from another file, that you don’t have access to modify.
  • In that case, you can use the ‘Decorators’ to make changes to the method as per your requirements.
  • It is like customizing your bike as per your choice.

(2) Examples Of Decorators.


  • Suppose you have a simple method that will take only two numbers.
  • If you want to add some extra functionality, multiply these two numbers.
  • Then you can use ‘Decorators’.

Existing Method:

def numbers(x,y):
    print('Numbers Are:',x ,y)

Decorator Method:

def decorate(func):
    def add(x,y):
        print('Addition:', x + y)
    return add

Calling Decorator Method:

dec = decorate(numbers)



Numbers Are: 20 30
Addition: 50


  • At first, you have a ‘numbers ( )’ method which takes two arguments and displays them.
  • But we want to multiply these two numbers and display them.
  • The restriction is that we can’t change the numbers( ) method because we don’t have permission to change the method.
  • To solve this issue we can use ‘Decorators ‘ in our program.
  • I have created the ‘decorator( )’ method which takes a function as an argument, which will be your ‘simple( )’ method.
  • I have created another method inside it called the ‘add( )’ method which takes two arguments and here I am adding my extra functionality of multiplication.
  • At last, I am returning the ‘add( )’ method, which is the new method with extra functionality.


Simple Approach:

  • Above is the common structure to declare ‘Decorators’ which is a little complex, Python has a syntax to simplify this.
  • We can use the @ symbol along with the name of the decorator function, at the top of the function which you want to decorate.
  • Then the decorator function will be applied to the existing function.

Decorator Method:

def decorate(func):
    def add(x,y):
        print('Addition:', x + y)
    return add

Existing Method:

def numbers(x,y):
    print('Numbers Are:',x ,y)

Calling Existing Method:



Numbers Are: 20 30
Addition: 50


Decorator Method:

def decorate(func):
    def passfail(name,rollno,subject,mark):
        if mark > 30:
            print('Student Is Passed')
            print('Student Is Passed')
    return passfail

Existing Method:

def students(name,rollno,subject,mark):
    print('Roll No:',rollno)

Calling Existing Method:



Name: Abhispa
Roll No: 467
Subject: Math
Mark: 98
Student Is Passed


  • At first, I have a ‘student( )’ method which prints the student details.
  • I want to add extra functionality to show whether the student passed or failed.
  • To do this I have created a decorator called ‘decorate()’ which is going to extend the functionality of the ‘student( )’ method.

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