Python Lines

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Are Python Lines ?
  2. Joining Multiple Lines To Form A Single Logic.
  3. Multiple Statements On A Single Line.

(1) What Are Python Lines?

  • A Python program is divided into a number of logical lines and every logical line is terminated by the token NEWLINE.
  • A logical line is a collection of statements, that comes under a single logic implementation.
  • Python interpreter searches for the ‘Newline’ token to find out where logic ends.
  • Split a Logical line into multiple physical lines using Semicolon (;) and Join multiple physical lines into one logical line using (\).
  • A physical line in your program file is a new line, where a new logic starts.

(2) Joining Multiple Lines To Form A Single Logic:

  • When you want to write a long code in a single line you can break the logical line into two or more physical lines using the backslash character(\).
  • Therefore when a physical line ends with a backslash character (\) and not a part of a string literal or comment then it can join another physical line.
  • See the following example.


value = (54 +36) + (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36) + \
        (54 +36) + (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36) + \
        (54 +36) + (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36)+ (54 +36)
Output: 1350


a = 0
b = 1
c = 2
d = 3
e = 4
f = 5
if a==0 and b > 1 and \
   c > 2 and d==3 and \
   e < 5 and f < 3:
    print("Example Of Line Joining")

(3) Multiple Statements On A Single Line:

  • You can write two separate statements into a single line using a semicolon (;) character between two lines.
  • It will allow you to write multiple statements into a single line.


string1 = "How Are You ?"
string2 = "I Am Fine ! Thank You"
print(string1) ; print(string2)
How Are You ?
I Am Fine! Thank You


a = 0 ; b = 1 ; c = 2 ; d = 3 ; e = 4 ; f = 5

sum = a + b + c + d + e + f

Output: 15

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