Python OOPs Concepts

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Object Oriented Programming?
  2. Need Of Object Oriented Programming.
  3. Procedural Vs Object Oriented Programming.
  4. Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming.
  5. Oops, Concepts.

(1) What Is Object Oriented Programming.

  1. While writing any program it is better to follow some predefined structure.
  2. When you start writing any program you should have a program structure in your mind.
  3. Randomly you can’t put your code anywhere in the program.
  4. To solve this issue, Python provides an Object Oriented programming approach.

(2) Need Of Object Oriented Programming.

  • OOPs provides a clear modular structure for the program.
  • OOPs makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code.
  • If you follow the OOPs framework you can easily integrate other libraries into your program.
  • It provides code reusability.
  • It is suitable for real-world problems and real-world works.

(3) Procedural Vs. Object Oriented Programming.

Procedural Programming:

  • In the case of procedural programming, you write procedures or methods in your program.
  • You write all of your requirements inside the procedure and give it a name.
  • When you need to execute that code, you simply call that procedure.
  • It is also called functional programming.

Object Oriented Programming:

  • In the case of object-oriented programming, you construct your program using class and objects rather than functions.
  • You write your requirement logic inside the class methods.
  • Suppose you want to implement the logic of a student’s behaviour.
  • Then you can create a student class and store information about student inside it.

(4) Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming.

  • OOPs breaks down your programming solution into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Reusability of the code in your program.
  • Provides a framework to implement your code.
  • It is closely related to real-world scenarios.
  • Code maintenance is easier in this approach.
  • It provides high security for your data.
  • Easy to troubleshoot your code when you got an error.
  • Best for real-world applications.

(5) OOPS Concepts.

  • To implement the OOPs architecture, you must understand some OOPs concepts.
    (1) Class
    (2) Objects
    (3) Polymorphism
    (4) Encapsulation
    (5) Inheritance
    (6) Data Abstraction
    We will discuss in detail all these concepts in the next blogs.

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