SQL Syllabus


  1. Introduction To SQL
  2. SQL Syntax Rules
  3. SQL Select Statement
  4. SQL Select Distinct Statement
  5. SQL Where Statement
  6. SQL And, Or, Not Keywords


  1. SQL Order By Statement
  2. SQL Insert Into Statement
  3. SQL NULL Values
  4. SQL Update Statement
  5. SQL Delete Statement
  6. SQL Select Top Statement


  1. SQL Min and Max Functions
  2. SQL Count(), Avg(), Sum() Functions
  3. SQL Like Keyword
  4. SQL Wild Card Characters
  5. SQL In Keyword
  6. SQL Between Operator
  7. SQL Aliases


  1. SQL Joins
  2. SQL Inner Join
  3. SQL Left Join
  4. SQL Right Join
  5. SQL Full Join
  6. SQL Self Join


  1. SQL Union
  2. SQL Group By
  3. SQL Having
  4. SQL Exists
  5. SQL Any, All Keywords
  6. SQL Case Keyword


  1. SQL Select Into Statement
  2. SQL Insert Into Statement
  3. SQL Null Functions
  4. SQL Stored Procedures
  5. SQL Comments
  6. SQL Operators


  1. SQL Create DB
  2. SQL Drop DB
  3. SQL Backup DB
  4. SQL Create Table
  5. SQL Drop Table
  6. SQL Alter Table


  1. SQL Constraints
  2. SQL Not Null
  3. SQL Unique
  4. SQL Primary Key
  5. SQL Foreign Key
  6. SQL Data Types

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