What Is Bernoulli Distribution?

What Is Bernoulli Distribution?

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Bernoulli Distribution?
  2. Formula For Bernoulli Distribution.
  3. Diagram For Bernoulli Distribution.
  4. Examples Of Bernoulli Distribution.
  5. What Is A Bernoulli Trail?
  6. Difference in Binomial and Bernoulli Distribution.

(1) What Is Bernoulli Distribution?

  • Bernoulli Distribution applies to events that have one trial and two possible outcomes.
  • Bernoulli Distribution is a discrete probability distribution, meaning it’s concerned with discrete random variables
  • A discrete random variable is one that has a finite or countable number of possible values—the number of heads you get when tossing three coins at once, or the number of students in a class.

(2) Formula For Bernoulli Distribution.

  • P =  Bernoulli Probability
  • Here, ‘x’ is the outcome, which can either be a success (x=1), or failure, ( x=0)
  • ‘p’ is the probability of getting success.
  • q = 1-p, and it denoted the probability of failure.
  • The value of p is 0 < p < 1.

(3) Diagram For Bernoulli Distribution.

  • The graph shows that the probability of success is p when X = 1 and the probability of failure of X is (1 – p) or q if X = 0.

(4) Examples Of Bernoulli Distribution.


  • A basketball player can shoot a ball into the basket with a probability of 0.6. What is the probability that he misses the shot?


  • We know that success probability P (X = 1) = p = 0.6
    Thus, probability of failure is P (X = 0) = 1 – p = 1 – 0.6 = 0.4

Example-2: Questions

  • Will you pass or fail a test?
  • Will your favorite sports team win or lose their next match?
  • Will you be accepted or rejected for that job you applied for?
  • Will you roll a six in the opening round of your favorite board game?
  • Will you win or lose the lottery?
  •  The probability of a roll of two dies resulting in a double six.
  • How many boys are born and how many girls are born each day.

(5) What Is A Bernoulli Trail?

  • A Bernoulli Trial is one of the simplest experiments you can conduct
  • It’s an experiment where you can have one of two possible outcomes.
  • For example, “Yes” and “No” or “Heads” and “Tails.” 
  • It is named after Swiss mathematician Jacob Bernoulli,


  • Win or Loss of a cricket match.
  • Boy or Girl child of a birth.
  • Pass or Fail in an exam.

(6) Difference In Binomial and Bernoulli Distribution.

  • In very simplistic terms, a Bernoulli Distribution is a type of Binomial Distribution.
  • Bernoulli Distribution applies to events that have one trial and two possible outcomes. These are known as the Bernoulli trials.
  • But in the case of a Binomial Distribution, we can have an ‘n’ number of trails.

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