What Is Bias & Variance Tradeoff?

What Is Bias & Variance Tradeoff?

Table Of Contents:

  1.  What Is Bias & Variance?
  2. Problem With High Bias & High Variance.
  3. Way To Reduce High Bias & Variance.
  4. What Is Bias & Variance Tradeoff?

(1) What Is Bias & Variance ?


  • Bias in collecting sample data set refers to the tendency of inclining towards particular group or community based on the preference of data collector.
  • High bias in the data set will not accurately represents the entire population.
  • Hence your statistical analysis will be wrong about the population.


  • Variance in the sample dataset refers to, how far the data points are there from the mean value and from each other.
  • You will not be able to find the trend or commonness in the dataset if you have high variance in the dataset.
  • Your statistical analysis will not be able to find any pattern or trend in the dataset, hence you will not be able to predict anything.

(2) Problem With High Bias & Variance ?

High Bias Problem:

  • High bias in the dataset will not represent the entire population, hence will fail to give any correct statement about the population.
  • If you have bias in your Machine Learning model it will cause you underfitting the training dataset.
  • Because a High Bias model  pays very little attention to the training data and oversimplifies the model.
  • It always leads to high error on training and test data.
  • Low Bias: A low bias model will make fewer assumptions about the form of the target function.
  • High Bias: A model with a high bias makes more assumptions, and the model becomes unable to capture the important features of our dataset. A high bias model also cannot perform well on new data.

Characteristics of a High Bias Model:

  1. Underfitting: A model with High Bias tends to underfit the data as it oversimplifies the solution by failing to learn how to train the data efficiently. This results in a linear function.

  2. Oversimplification: Due to the model being too simple, the biased model is unable to learn complex features of a training data, thus, making it inefficient when solving complex problems.

  3. Low Training Accuracy: Due to the inability to correctly process training data, the biased model shows high-training loss resulting in low-training accuracy.


  • Low Bias Models: Decision Trees, k-Nearest Neighbours and Support Vector Machines.
  • High Bias Models: Linear Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Logistic Regression.

High Variance Problem:

  • High Variance in the dataset will effect your analysis by not able to find the trend or pattern in the dataset.
  • High variance in sample data set means your data points are scattered all around the place.
  • The model with high variance has a very complex fit to the training data and thus is not able to fit accurately on the data which it hasn’t seen before.
  • As a result, such models perform very well on training data but have high error rates on test data.
  • When a model is high on variance, it is then said to as Overfitting of Data.
  • The variance is an error from sensitivity to small fluctuations in the training set.
  • High variance may result from an algorithm modeling the random noise in the training data (overfitting).
  • Low Variance: means there is a small variation in the prediction of the target function with changes in the training data set..
  • High Variance: shows a large variation in the prediction of the target function with changes in the training dataset.

Characteristics of a High Variance Model:

  1. Overfitting: A model with High Variance tends to overfit the data as it overcomplicates the solution and fails to generalize new test data. This results in a non-linear function.

  2. Overcomplication: Due to the model being too complex, the model learns a much more complex curve and fails to work efficiently on simple problems.

  3. Low Testing Accuracy: Although these models tend to work well on training data with high accuracy, they fail to efficiently work on test data where they will show a huge test data loss.


  • Low Bias Models: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Linear discriminant analysis.
  • High Bias Models:  Decision tree, Support Vector Machine, and K-nearest neighbors.
  • Nonlinear Machine Learning algorithms often have high variance due to their high flexibility.

(3) Way To Reduce High Bias & Variance ?

Way To Reduce High Bias:

  • Increase the input features as the model is under-fitted.
  • Decrease the regularization term.
  • Use more complex models, such as including some polynomial features.

Way To Reduce High Variance:

  • Reduce the input features or a number of parameters as a model is overfitted.
  • Do not use a complex model.
  • Increase the training data.
  • Increase the Regularization term.

(4) What Is Bias & Variance Tradeoff ?

  • As seen above, if the algorithm is too simple, it will have a high bias and a low variance.
  • Similarly, if the algorithm is too complex, it will have a high variance and a low bias. Therefore, it is clear that:
  • “Bias and variance are complements of each other”.
  •  The increase of one will result in the decrease of the other and vice versa.
  • Hence, finding the right balance of values is known as the Bias-Variance Tradeoff.

(5) Conclusion

  • The combination of low bias and low variance shows an ideal machine-learning model. 
  • However, it is not possible practically.
  •  Bias-Variance trade-off is about finding the sweet spot to make a balance between bias and variance errors.
  • An ideal algorithm should neither underfit nor overfit the data.
  • The end goal of all Machine Learning Algorithms is to produce a function that has both low-bias and low-variance.
  • But, in the real world, achieving it is very difficult due to an unknown best target function.
  • The goal is to find an iterative process through which we can keep improving our Machine Learning Algorithm so that its predictions will improve.

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