What Is Binomial Distribution?

What Is Binomial Distribution?

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Binomial Distribution?
  2. Formula For Binomial Distribution.
  3. Diagram For Binomial Distribution.
  4. Examples Of Binomial Distribution.

(1) What Is Binomial Distribution?

  • The Binomial Distribution is the discrete probability distribution that gives only two possible results in an experiment, either Success or Failure
  •  For example, if we toss a coin, there could be only two possible outcomes: heads or tails, and if any test is taken, then there could be only two results: pass or fail.
  • Binomial Distribution is the extension of Uniform Distribution because in Uniform Distribution you will do the experiment only once and calculate the probability.
  • But in Binomial Distribution you can perform the ‘n’ number of experiments and calculate the probability of NUMBER OF TIMES Pass or Fail, True or False, 1 or 0 in that ‘n’ number of experiments.
  • Suppose you are giving a competitive exam, you have 5 attempts to qualify for the exam.
  • You can calculate the probability of passing the exam the first time.
  • You can also calculate the probability of passing the exam 3 times using Binomial Distribution.

(2) Formula For Binomial Distribution?

(3) Diagram For Binomial Distribution?

  • If you plot all the probability values of an experiment you will see the graph will come as symmetrical.

(4) Examples Of Binomial Distribution?

Example-1: Question

  • Casino created a new game in which participants can place bets on the number of heads or tails in a specified number of coin flips.
  • Assume a participant wants to place a $10 bet that there will be exactly six heads in 20 coin flips.
  • The participant wants to calculate the probability of this occurring, and therefore, they use the calculation for binomial distribution.



  • n = 20 (Number Of Trials)
  • x = 6 (Number Of Successful Trails)
  • p = 0.5 (Probability Of Success In A Single Trail)
  • Probability Of 6 Head = (20! / (6! × (20 – 6)!)) × (0.50)(6) × (1 – 0.50)(20 – 6) 
  • Probability Of 6 Head = 0.0369, or 3.7%.

Example-2: Question

  • 60% of people who purchase sports cars are men.
  • Find the probability that exactly 7 are men if 10 sports car owners are randomly selected.



  • n = 10 (Number Of Trials)
  • x = 7 (Number Of Successful Trails)
  • p = 0.6 (Probability Of Success In A Single Trail

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