What Is Poisson Distribution

Table Of Contents:

  1. What Is Poisson Distribution?
  2. Formula For Poisson Distribution.
  3. Diagram Of Poisson Distribution.
  4. Examples Of Poisson Distribution.

(1) What Is Poisson Distribution?

  • Poisson Distribution is a discrete probability distribution.
  • It gives the probability of an event happening a certain number of times (k) within a given interval of time or space.
  • The Poisson Distribution has only one parameter, λ (lambda), which is known constant mean rate.
  • We must know from the history about the mean or average value of that event.

(2) Formula For Poisson Distribution.

  • e is Euler’s number (e = 2.71828…)
  • x is the number of occurrences
  • x! is the factorial of x
  • λ (lambda) = mean or average value of that event.

(3) Diagram For Poisson Distribution.

  • The graph below shows examples of Poisson distributions with different values of λ.

(4) Examples Of Poisson Distribution.


  • The average number of major storms in your city is 2 per year. What is the probability that exactly 3 storms will hit your city next year?


  • μ = 2 (average number of storms per year, historically)
  • x = 3 (the number of storms we think might hit next year)
  • e = 2.71828 (e is Euler’s number, a constant)
  • P(x; λ) = (e– λ λx)/x! = 
  • (2.71828 – 2) (23) / 3!
  • = (0.13534) (8) / 6
  • = 0.180
  • The probability of 3 storms happening next year is 0.180, or 18%


  • Telephone calls arrive at an exchange according to the Poisson process at a rate λ= 2/min.
  • Calculate the probability that exactly two calls will be received during each of the first 5 minutes of the hour.


  • Assume that “N” be the number of calls received during a 1 minute period.


    P(N= 2) = (e-2. 22)/2!

    P(N=2) = 2e-2.

    Now, “M” be the number of minutes among 5 minutes considered, during which exactly 2 calls will be received. Thus “M” follows a binomial distribution with parameters n=5 and p= 2e-2.

    P(M=5) = 32 x e-10

    P(M =5) = 0.00145, where “e” is a constant, which is approximately equal to 2.718. 

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