• Introduction To Pandas

    Introduction To Pandas

    Introduction To Pandas Table Of Contents: What Is Pandas ? Why To Use Pandas ? (1) What Is Pandas? Pandas is an open-source Python library developed by Wes McKinney in 2008. Pandas provide a data container that is used to store 1D, 2D and 3D data. Pandas provide varieties of in-built methods, that can be used for data handling purposes. Like in SQL you write queries to retrieve and manipulate a dataset, similarly, you can use Pandas to do the operations in Python. Pandas is a well-known popular Python library, that Data Scientists are used for their data analysis activity. Pandas is an easy-to-learn library, so let’s get started. (2) Why To Use Pandas ? Pandas make your life easier by providing different in-built methods, which you will use for data analysis. By Pandas you can perform multiple operations like, Data Retrieval. Data Filtering. Data Normalization. Merges and Joins. Data Visualization.

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