• Luong Attention !

    Luong Attention !

    Luong’s Attention ! Table Of Contents: What Is Luong’s Attention?  Key Features Of Luong’s Attention Model? Advantages Of Luong’s Attention Model? Architecture Of Luong’s Attention Model.  Why do We Take the Current Hidden State Output Of The Decoder In Luong’s Attention Model?  Architecture Luong’s Attention Model. Difference In Luong’s Attention & Bahdanau’s Attention (1) What Is Luong’s Attention? Luong’s attention is another type of attention mechanism, introduced in the paper “Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation” by Minh-Thang Luong, Hieu Pham, and Christopher D. Manning in 2015. Luong’s attention mechanism is also designed for encoder-decoder models, similar to Bahdanau’s

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