Tag: N-Grams/Bi-Grams/Tri-Grams

  • N-Grams/Bi-Grams/Tri-Grams


    N-Grams/Bi-Grams/Tri-Grams Table Of Contents: What Is N-Gram? Example Of N-Gram Unigram. Bigram. Trigram. Python Example. Pros & Cons Of N-Gram Technique. (1) What Is N-Gram? The n-gram technique is a fundamental concept in natural language processing (NLP) that involves analyzing the relationship between sequences of n consecutive words or characters within a given text. It is widely used in various NLP tasks, such as language modeling, text classification, and information retrieval. (2) Example Of N-Gram “I reside in Bengaluru”. SL.No. Type of n-gram     Generated n-grams 1 Unigram [“I”,”reside”,”in”,”Bengaluru”] 2 Bigram [“I reside”,”reside in”,”in Bengaluru”] 3 Trigram [“I reside

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