Tag: Python Extended Keyword Arguments(*args

  • Python Extended Keyword Arguments(*args, **kwargs

    Python Extended Keyword Arguments(*args, **kwargs

    Python Extended Keyword Arguments(*args, **kwargs) Table Of Contents: What Are Extended Keyword Arguments? What Is Python *args? What Is Python **kwargs? Using Both *args and **kwargs. (1) What Is Extended Keyword Arguments? Arguments are the values passed to the function, for further processing. Most of the time you will know how many arguments a function can take. But, sometimes the argument counts can vary, and then your function will fail to accommodate those arguments. To handle this issue we have ‘Extended Keyword Arguments‘. Without Extended Keyword Arguments. def student(name,rollno,subject): print(‘Student Name:’,name) print(‘Student RollNo:’,rollno) print(‘Student Subject:’,subject) student(‘Abhispa’,’143′,’Math’,99) Output: TypeError Traceback (most

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